How do you tell your parents, friends, siblings, granparents, etc. that you made a decision to do something & for them to accept that?? How do you overcome judgement from people today?
You don't. You sugar coat the choices you make to have them seem better, to allow people to accept those decisions. Even though it could potentially hurt someone's feelings, or yet seem like a lie. In the end it was all just to make things easier on everyone. Somehow, it ends up making things harder and worse for everyone.
Why do it? Why put yourself through something like this just because you worry about what people are going to think or say. Better yet, how they are going to accept what you've done? Or maybe unacceptance and closed arms instead of open arms from your family.
I don't truly understand why I do or say somethings the way I do. Maybe it's that I don't want people to look at me differently. I think my business is my own. Maybe it's that I don't want my mother to write me off forever & never help me because I made a decision that she didn't think was the right one.
I guess I will never know. I guess I can just work on the things that hurt others, and that can make me a better person.
It's not that I don't want to be responsible. It's just that I'm scared & don't have the courage and honor like you do. Oh, if I could only be more like you in that area. Things just might be easier.
Happy Birthday Zach Funny
5 years ago